The property is offered for sale with no price with a deadline upon which offers need to be submitted (eg three to four weeks) on the basis that the vendors reserve the right to accept an offer at anytime before then.
It is a good alternative to an auction and we are starting to see more and more of this method being used on the Hibiscus Coast and North Shore as it attracts both unconditional and conditional buyers.
The Deadline Sale method will:
- offer absolute privacy to sellers and buyers
- foster competition among buyers, which may push the price up
- allows the seller to dictate the terms of sale
- attracts both unconditional and conditional buyers
- eliminates perceived negatives and objections to an asking price
- allows the seller to consider all offers in writing
- allows maximum flexibility for the seller to accept what they like and when they like
- creates a sense of urgency among prospective buyers
- reduces time pressure on seller, because there is an urgency of a fixed sale date
However, it may also: deter buyers looking for an indication of price and allows the prospective purchaser time to look at other properties.
- If you have completed all due diligence you should be able to go forward with a cash offer. If you have not completed all due diligence, to manage risk to yourself, you can make a conditional offer.
- Get the contract paperwork from us – let us know what conditions (if any) are required. Remember that these are legal documents and we urge you to get them checked by your solicitor before signing.
- Send the COMPLETED and SIGNED paperwork in to us – this can be emailed in to anita.dobson@harcourts.co.nz OR dropped in to the Harcourts Whangaparaoa Office (923 Whangaparaoa Road, Manly) or better yet, give me a call and make an appointment to go over the paperwork together.
If you wish to discuss whether this sale method would be suitable for you or if you are a buyer and would like some more information, please feel free to contact Anita Dobson, Harcourts Whangaparaoa on 021 337 093 or email anita.dobson@harcourts.co.nz